The transfer station is located at 1175 Virginia Avenue, Hot Springs. Bath County residents may dispose of white goods, furniture, household solid waste and recyclables at no cost.
Each household is allocated the disposal of eight passenger vehicle rated tires per fiscal year (July 1 through June 30.) Households will be billed for any tires over their allocated amount at a rate of $5 per tire.
Solid waste convenience sites are located at:
- Transfer Station,1175 Virginia Avenue, Hot Springs. Streamline recycling available.
- Millboro Springs, Route 42, near the intersection of Route 39. Streamline recycling available.
- Ashwood is located behind the Parks and Recreation Building on the lower lot off Panther Drive. Streamline recycling available.
- West Warm Springs, Route 39, approximately one mile from the intersection of Route 39/220. Streamline recycling available.
Green Box sites:
Dry Run Road
Industrial Park
Green Valley
Transfer Station
Lyles Chapel |
Rocky Ridge
Oak Grove
Mountain Grove
*Please see the above map as visual reference.
Recycling Guidelines: We are unable to recycle glass. Please do not dispose of glass in recycling containers. No food waste or plastic bags. Please deposit clean materials. Plastics 1 & 2 are accepted.
As of July 1, 2024, Business and Commercial enterprises:
Tire Fee: Tires shall only be taken to the transfer station. Business or Commercial enterprises shall be charged at a rate of $5 per tire as set forth by the Board of Supervisors annually. Tires will be checked by the transfer station personnel and a ticket shall be created for billing by County Administration.
Clean Fill Fee: Clean fill taken to the transfer station will be charged at a rate of $35 per ton as set forth by the Board of Supervisors annually. All clean fill taken to the transfer station will be weighed at the scale and a ticket shall be created for billing to the appropriate business or commercial enterprises by County Administration.
Brush Fee: Trees, branches, and brush shall be separated from construction debris and taken to the transfer station and charged at $70 per ton as set forth by the Board of Supervisors annually. All brush taken to the transfer station will be weighed at the scale and a ticket shall be created for billing to the appropriate business or commercial enterprises by County Administration. Shrub, limb, and tree pruning’s not to exceed four (4) inches in diameter, bark and roots. Stumps are not accepted.
Demolition Debris: Demolition debris will be charged at a rate of $88.13 per ton by County Administration. All demolition debris must be taken to Peter’s Mountain Landfill. Debris will be weighed at the scale and a ticket shall be created for billing by County Administration.
Can Rental Compliance:
Residential or Non-Permitted Construction Debris: Any person renting or owning a disposal can or container from a company for use to dispose of waste/debris shall be responsible for all tipping fees. Any refuse company renting cans for use in the County shall comply and notify the County of all cans being rented in Bath County. The County will bill the renter of the can the cost of the tipping fees.
Permitted Construction Debris: The County will bill the renter of the can for the tipping fees after the initial solid waste fees paid with the building permit have been exceeded.
Contractors: Please note fee changes for tires, brush, clean fill and can rental compliance. All construction debris including new construction, renovation and demolition shall be taken to Peter’s Mountain Landfill. Peter’s Mountain Landfill requires notification 24 hours in advance for each load to insure they can accommodate the volume and can be contacted at (540) 962-6317. Contractors and residents with a building permit must present a copy of their permit card. Peter’s Mountain Landfill is located on Route 600, Covington VA – South of Callaghan and accepts refuse Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Transfer Station Hours of Operation:
Monday-Saturday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Contact Information:
Phone: (540) 839-7213
Physical Address: 1175 Virginia Avenue, Hot Springs, VA 24445