Children Services Act (CSA)

Designed to help youths who are having difficulty in home, school or com-munity and their families through a collaborative system of services and funding that is child-centered, family-focused and community based.

The Family Assessment and Planning Team (FAPT) is made up of the parents), caretaker of the youth referred, the youth as age appropriate, and representatives from the Community Services Board, Court Services Unit, the Departments of Health and Social Services, the schools, and private providers. Together this team looks at the strengths and needs of individual youths and families to determine what services are needed. Based on this assessment, a plan for service provision is developed, implemented and monitored for the purpose of meeting the identified needs.

The Community Policy and Management Team (CPMT) consists of representatives of the administration level of the agencies listed above, and are appointed by the Board of Supervisors. This team is responsible for implementing the requirements of the Children Services Act which includes approving and monitoring the expenditure of funds appropriated, development of policy and procedures, and utilization management. This team is also responsible for long-range, community-wide planning to ensure the development of resources and services needed by children and families.

Services can be assessed through any agency listed or by contacting the CSA Coordinator.

Children Services Act for at-risk Youth & Families (CSA)
Jennifer McCallister, CSA Coordinator

P.O. Box 7, Warm Springs, VA 24484 
FAX (540) 839-7278
E-mail: [email protected]

Fees: Parental copay for leave and other services as determined appropriate.