Mission Statement
The mission of the Bath County EDA is to initiate, develop and coordinate industrial and economic efforts in order to achieve and sustain the optimum quality of life of the citizens of Bath County, VA.
The Economic Development Authority is a seven member Board. The Board is comprised of a member, each from one of the Magisterial Districts and two At-Large, appointed by the Board of Supervisors. The EDA meets the second Wednesday of each month.
It is the EDA’s mandate to consider matters of Economic Development. The Authority is prepared to assist financially stable and qualified businesses and industries to expand or locate in the County. The County is committed to business’s, free enterprise and maintaining a profit-friendly environment.
Contact Information:
Jason Miller- Representing the Valley Springs District- Term expires April 15, 2025
Joe Wood - Representing the Millboro District- Term expires April 15, 2026
Jack Lindsay- Secretary – Representing the Cedar Creek District-Term expires April 15, 2028
Alan Seacord - Treasurer - At Large - Term expires April 15, 2028
Bruce McWilliams-Chair - Representing the Williamsville District- Term expires April 15, 2025
- Vice-Chair -Representing the Warm Springs District-Term expires April 15, 2026
Randy Roberts - At Large -Term expires April 15, 2028
Contact Person:
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 13, Warm Springs, VA 24484